[rescue] Sun wants money for patch bundles?

Ahmed Ewing aewing at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 07:11:21 CDT 2007

On 4/14/07, Andrew Gaylard <ag at computer.org> wrote:
> > " From: Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net>
> > "
> > " You can register a (free) sunsolve account to get recommended/security
> > " patches.  Other stuff requires a contract.
> Interestingly,  I've seen that if I follow the link
> "Recommended patch clusters"
> http://sunsolve.sun.com/pub-cgi/show.pl?target=patches/patch-access
> then I have to have a contract to download the bundle.
> But I can view the README file.
> Then, if I instead follow the other link
> "Recommended and Security Patches"
> http://sunsolve.sun.com/pub-cgi/show.pl?target=patches/patch-license&nav=pub-patches
> then I don't need a contract, just a login, and
> I can download the 9_Recommended.zip file.
> But here's the interesting bit: the file sizes given
> in both areas are the same (217.6M), and the
> README files are identical.
> So is there any difference?  Is there a list member
> who has a valid Sun contract who can download
> both files, and tell us?

I am 99% sure they are one and the same, but for the sake of absolute
certainty, I just downloaded the "Recommended Patch Clusters" instance
into subdirectory "1" and the  "Recommended and Security Patches"
instance into subdirectory "2"...

Same size:

bash-2.05# ls -l 1/9_Recommended.zip
-rwxr--r--   1 nobody   nobody   228216501 Apr 14 06:59 1/9_Recommended.zip
bash-2.05# ls -l 2/9_Recommended.zip
-rwxr--r--   1 nobody   nobody   228216501 Apr 14 06:59 2/9_Recommended.zip

Same contents:

bash-2.05# diff 1/9_Recommended.zip 2/9_Recommended.zip

And for good measure:

bash-2.05# md5sum 1/9_Recommended.zip
7261164f5554f033812798cc920f6033  1/9_Recommended.zip
bash-2.05# md5sum 2/9_Recommended.zip
7261164f5554f033812798cc920f6033  2/9_Recommended.zip

Hope that helps,


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