[rescue] Looking for 4 head AGP card (PeeCee)

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 15:27:57 CDT 2007

On 9 Aug 2007, at 21:14, Ethan O'Toole wrote:

>> Ah ....   never heard of that variant.
>> I only have a single head attached to my G450 anyway, so...
> I'm going to try to make a movie that is 4096x768 or 2400x600 and  
> then run
> VLC with 4 heads, to play the movie on all 4 screens.

Some of the NVIDIA Quadro cards run a pair of Dual Head ports, but  
MAKE SURE you get the breakout cables as they are useless without  
them - the cards do not have DVI connectors on they are something  
very different with a lot more pins.

This; http://www.users-side.co.jp/common/VGA6031601.jpg

is a Quadro NVS440. Those 2 ports each take a splitter with 2 DVI  
ports on. It's PCIe though. AGP Quadro cards certainly exist though.

I think the higher end Quadro NVS cards and most newer Quadro FX  
cards are 4-port. I have seen them on eBay numerous times and been  
tempted. Would make a kick-ass card for a Linux workstation :)

Mark Benson

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