[rescue] USB KVM with my Octane: possible?

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 13:58:40 CDT 2007

Doug McLaren wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 12:07:33AM -0500, Micah R Ledbetter wrote:
> | I've tried simply plugging a PS/2<->USB adapter in, and I wasn't able  
> | to get any type of output on the screen, or even have the keyboard  
> | LEDs light up.
> Well, that sounds like the right answer, but all the PS/2<->USB
> adapters I have take a PS/2 keyboard and mouse and adapt them to a USB
> computer.  What you need is the opposite -- something to adapt a USB
> keyboard and mouse to a PS/2 computer.
> I've never seen an adapter like that.

Raritan, I believe, makes one, but it isn't cheap.

Peace...  Sridhar

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