[rescue] Disposing Of OS/2 Apps (old floppy installs)

Wesley W. Will wwill at siu.edu
Fri Mar 30 08:40:28 CDT 2007

Kevin wrote:
> I remember installing Macromedia Director (actually, i think it was still
> Macromind back then) in 1992 on a Mac IIci.  I think it was somewhere
> between 24 and 30 floppies.  Took forever.  That's the largest floppy app
> i've personally seen.  Anyone know any larger?  What's the record?
> /KRM

I don't know about any records, but AIX on floppy disk was a binder 
about ten cm thick, with floppy-pouch pages, 8 3.5 inch floppies to the 
page, front and back, and roughly 15 or so pages per binder.  When we 
stopped using AIX for anything and surplussed the disks, I tossed them 
all in a big box and we have been over-writing them for several years 
now to drop anti-virus updates and the odd small file for student 
distribution.  (Nothing will fit any more, all the files are too big 
these days, and nobody has a floppy drive anyway, so we've loads of 
spare disks now just taking up space....)

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