[rescue] Seeking DB25M to HDDB68M SCSI cable

Ethan O'Toole ethan at 757tech.net
Tue May 29 08:51:50 CDT 2007

Yea, that's about the most gross cable you could come up with.

Anyone have one to sell?

Need to go from the differential converter board to the USB SCSI adaptor 
in my quest to get the 9 track tape drive running for automotive use.

So... close... Inside the black box differential SCSI converter (which 
happens to be 68 - 68), it's just a nice small board that runs on 5vdc. I 
might put a direct USB port on the tape drive :-)

I would also be willing trade any manner of other SCSI cable for it. 
Including the SGI Origin 2000 SCSI cable (funky thing to dual 
HD-DB-68F), diff 68 to 68, etc.

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