[rescue] Newbie question about IBM P5s (AIX)

Clemson, Chris Chris.Clemson at softwareag.co.uk
Thu May 31 05:05:06 CDT 2007

> On non-IBM terminals (including your HyperTerminal session), the
> function-keys don't work, so it uses ESC-# instead.  So when you're
> hitting ESC-0, you're sending F10, which is IBMese for "exit".  Try
> ESC-4, which is F4 which is IBMese for "select from list".

Thanks for the reply. What would be the preferable emulation to use?
there's about a screenfull of choices when it boots.

> The p510 is a pretty nice box.

Yes, once you figure out the cryptic boot codes on the integral lcd

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