[rescue] E250 temperatures

hike mh1272 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 22:16:50 CDT 2008

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Joshua Boyd <jdboyd at jdboyd.net> wrote:

> On Apr 11, 2008, at 9:30 PM, hike wrote:
> >
> > Concerning the CPUs: each cpu slot has it own temperature range.  The
> > range
> > may be similar or dissimiliar.  The temperature range is dependent on
> > the
> > CPU itself, the airflow over the CPU.  The closeness of power supplies,
> > hard
> > drives, cards, etc. effect the acceptable temperature of any specific
> > CPU.
> > All this to say, you can't balance the thermal load of a CPU in that
> > vintage
> > Sun server.
> >
> Too bad that they don't have a way to tell it to move work from one CPU to
> the other until they equalize in this way.
>  From my understanding the UPS unit generate heat that will effect the
> > >
> > surrounding equipment.
> > If a device sits on top of the 250 (that is, no air gap), it may cause
> > heating issues.  (We once had a shorty rack with a v120 and a 19" switch
> > sitting on top of the server [no air gap but the switch was only half
> > the
> > depth of the v120] and the v120 would crash every few days.  We moved
> > the
> > v120 down 1U in the rack and the crashes stopped.]
> >
> > I would suggest that you add fans to the rack if possible and provide
> > air
> > gaps if feasible.
> >
> Well, I did adjust the rack to allow more space behind the rack (about 24"
> from the back of the rack to the wall) earlier.
> And upon your advice, I moved the T1 off the top of the E250 to create a
> 1U gap between it and the SS20.  Although I wouldn't have called the top of
> the E250 (after I removed the T1) warm to the touch.
> Tomorrow I will try raising the E250 to have a gap between it and the UPS,
> if I have time around work.  That will require completely tearing the rack
> apart.  I need a larger rack (and perhaps a dedicated air conditioner for
> the server area).
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> rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

Too bad that they don't have a way to tell it to move work from one CPU to
the other until they equalize in this way.

There commands, IIRC, to associate certain processes to specific CPUs.
Unfortunately, we never used that outside of class, that is, in the real

If you have a service contract you Sun support vendor can find out if this
is possible.  (Maybe the list members know also and will fill-in this [and
any other] blank.)

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