[rescue] SPARCbook 3gx

Curious George jorge234q at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 16 16:30:49 CST 2008

Hi, Will,

--- William Enestvedt <William.Enestvedt at jwu.edu>

> Steve Hatle wrote:
> >
> > Somewhat easier to find, you can raid an old 1xx
> series
> > Powerbook for a disk if you have to. They're
> generally
> > pretty clapped out, but better than nothing.
>    I think I have a 750 MB drive from an old
> PowerBook 117. (Hi, Geoff!
> *waves*)
>    Would that work? A little SCSI drive, right?

Excellent!  I'll still have to find a "sled" for
it but that's half the battle!

(I'll followup offlist)


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