[rescue] RAM wanted

Angel Martin Alganza ama at ugr.es
Mon May 5 08:00:56 CDT 2008


I'm looking for some RAM for Sun Microsystems Ultras 1 and 10 and some
lunch-boxes.  Id like to at least get:

- 2x256MB or 2x128MB for the Ultra 10
- 4x128MB or 4x64MB  for the Ultra 1s
- Whatever RAM modules I can get for the IPX, IPC, and Classic boxes.

I am located in Spain.


Angel Martin Alganza               Tel +34 958 248 926
Departamento de Genetica           Fax +34 958 244 073
Universidad de Granada               mailto:ama at ugr.es
C/ Fuentenueva s/n             http://www.ugr.es/~ama/
E-18071 Granada, Spain     JabberID alganza at jabber.org
  PGP Public key: http://www.ugr.es/~ama/ama-pgp-key
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