[rescue] Small servers (was Re: WTT: 1.5G of PC2700 for 1G of PC100)

Erie Patsellis erie at shelbyvilledesign.com
Tue May 13 17:37:58 CDT 2008

That's odd, as the one of the first diagnostic steps taught by most of 
the mfrs. (GM, Ford, Chrysler, VAG (Audi, VW, Porsche) for sure as I've 
had all the factory training I care to have...)is to write down all 
codes and possible subcodes, if applicable and do a reset, then test 
drive to verify failure mode.

>> anual on CD-ROM.
> Unforch, in NJ, any reset shows on inspection and they automatically fail you because the computer can't be read until you run the car a certain number of miles and the system resets.  Sometimes a "disconnected the battery" might get you by but they are getting wary of that.
> Bob
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