[rescue] Useful stuff for small spaces

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Tue May 20 10:59:00 CDT 2008

Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 08:44:49AM -0600, Robert Darlington wrote:
>> I deal with the more modern thinkpads, day in and day out.  T40, 42,
>> 42p, 43, 43p, 60, 60z, etc.  They're solid machines, very much unlike
>> the older systems.  The old systems were what I consider to be junk,
>> and I remember at one point you were basically a sucker if you bought
>> them over some of the toshibas or dells that were out at the time.
>> The butterfly keyboard comes to mind here.  Surely they made some good
>> ones though.
> I have an A20p that was a hand-me-down from a former employee here in 2002,
> used it as my desktop machine for two years, used it as my traveling laptop
> for a few after that, and it's STILL going.  When they bought me its
> replacement (HP NC6220, which is okay) I took the Thinkpad home with me.
> 8-)

If you like the A20p, you should check out the A31p.  15" 1600x1200 
screen and space for two UltraBay devices.  I'd bet the machine would 
run for quite a while with three batteries installed.

Peace...  Sridhar

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