[rescue] Question on upgrading Solaris 10 3/05 to latest

D.A. Muran-de Assereto dmuran at tuad.org
Tue Oct 28 21:06:36 CDT 2008

Quoting Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net>:

> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 04:55:04PM -0700, John Lengeling wrote:
>> I just wanted to know if my 3/05 Solaris 10 can be upgraded via patches
>> to the latest and greatest stuff or if I should just download the latest
>> Solaris 10 release and start from there.
> Patches don't add new functionality, they only patch the release you
> installed.  YOu'll need to reinstall.

According to a buddy of mine who is a pretty high-powered Sun  
engineer, Sun's official posture is that there is no difference  
between a system that has been patched to the latest rev or one that  
is installed from the latest rev. I've done a little poking around,  
but I cannot confirm or deny this from personal experience; I know  
that a lot of stuff that doesn't count as a bugfix is getting changed  
or added in some of the systems I've looked at, and it's causing some  
maintenance issues.


Sapere Aude!

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