[rescue] More goodies U60's and an U30

Christopher Purdy escher2 at chartermi.net
Fri Mar 13 20:40:22 CDT 2009

What's up fellow rescuers.

I have in hand the following:
4 Ultra 60 workstations
1 Ultra 30 workstation
I also grabbed a StorEdge multiple tape drive, an 8mm sun tape drive,  
and a few external enclosures.

Just decommissioned, and saved from the dumpster.

I will have to wipe the drives before delivery...
as always - local only - I'm in Fenton, MI - zip 48430.

No trades required, but I would really really appreciate a lead on a  
Commodore Pet, non chicklet keyboard if you know of one.  I just  
couldn't stand to see these go in the trash....

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