[rescue] Want a solaris box with F77 on it.

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 09:16:06 CST 2009

George Wyche wrote:
> @et. al.
> I know you all are willing to solve my "real problem", if I would just
> tell you what it really is. No... I am looking for the quick fix here to
> tide me (us) over until the port is a reality. I cannot justify anything
> which will demonstrably pull man-hours off of the porting task. Any
> deviation from what I asked for (f77 that compiles and produces an
> executable) will consume man-days to perfect.
> You will just have to believe me when I say the original programmers for
> this program looked under the hood of f77 and married the code to f77. I
> am sure it seemed like a good idea at the time. (It wasn't ME!)
> Sun quit f77 a long time ago and you cannot get THAT from them. The only
> f77 we ever used had a license with it and that license precluded its
> operation outside the agreement. A couple years ago (or so) Sun said
> they could "transfer" the license to another hardware setup, but were
> not specific.
> So 1) a f77 compiler (and libraries) is necessary.
> 2) a solaris box it will run on (any I would assume). I have access to a
> couple differnt kinds: SunBlade 1000, SunBlade100
> 3) an OS the will support the f77 and actually compile (license may very
> well be required even if nobody cares). We still have a number of OS8
> boxes functioning quite nicely (except for CDT->CST changes) that should
> not be disturbed except upon hardware failure; one OS9, and one OS10.
> You might say, heck, beg a copy of f77 and libraries, put it on your
> latest OS10 solaris SPARC and have at it! I would feel obliged to get an
> OK from Sun in hand. And, you see, that takes time and effort toward
> something that might not work out.
> **IF** what I asked for exists and someone was willing to part with it,
> then I am 100% sure it is viable immediately. Hence my request.

Sorry, but I haven't been following the discussion.  Is there a reason 
you can't use g77?

Peace...  Sridhar

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