[rescue] Sun Systems Free for pickup in 27518

Tom "spot" Callaway tcallawa at redhat.com
Tue Jul 27 14:04:04 CDT 2010

A friend of mine, knowing my interest in SPARCs, mentioned that his
company was about to throw away all of their SPARC systems, and asked if
I wanted them. Sadly, he's in North Carolina, and I can't justify paying
shipping on any of these, but I'd prefer to see them find good homes
than end up in a dumpster.

Here's what he's got:

1 Sparcstation 5
1 Sparcstation 20
1 Sun Ultra 5
1 Sunblade 100
2 Sun Ultra 30 ("creator")
1 Sun Ultra 60 ("creator3D")
4 Sun Ultra 10 (3 are "creator3D", 1 is "elite3D")
1 Sun Ultra 1 ("creator")
1 Sun Enterprise 220R
1 Sun Ultra Enterprise 150

These systems will likely end up in the trash in the next 24 hours
unless they're claimed. If you're interested, email Tanner
<clubjuggler at gmail.com>.

They're in Cary, NC (27518). He will not ship them, you have to pick
them up. First come, first serve.


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