[rescue] WTB: SGI (MIPS architecture) Systems

Richard legalize at xmission.com
Tue May 25 15:50:44 CDT 2010

In article <20100525203434.GP21436 at jd-colo.catpro>,
    Joshua Boyd <jdboyd at jdboyd.net>  writes:

> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 02:20:45PM -0600, Richard wrote:
> > > > I'm still looking for the 1st generation terminal hardware.
> > > 
> > > What, you shun the 68k workstations?
> > 
> > That's the 1st generation stuff to which I'm referring.  2nd
> > generation was MIPS R2000, IIRC.
> What machine used the R2k?

I believe the first PIs used R2k and then R3k.  Wikipedia claims SGI
used the R2k:

> I assumed that 1st generation terminal hardware was referring to the
> IRIS 1000, which was just a terminal, as opposed to the later stand
> alone 68k workstations.

The first generation stuff came in different models.  The low-end models
(IRIS 1000) were pure terminals with no local storage or processing.
The high-end models (IRIS 2000, 3000) had local storage and processing.

Wikipedia refers to the IRIS 2000/3000 as the "second product line",
but I think of all the 68K stuff as first generation.
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