[rescue] Identify this Sunish Serial Cable Splitter...

Ethan O'Toole ethan at 757tech.net
Thu Sep 23 16:00:19 CDT 2010


  I have VME boards with Sparcstations on board. They feature this DB 
connector with 3 rows of pins. Top row is 9 pins. Next is 9 pins. Next is 
8 pins. So it's 26 total. Seems to be a DB-26-HD or DB-HD-26.

Above the connector it is labelled Serial A/B.

So it's a splitter cable, like some of the other Suns had, but with a 
different connector.

Does anyone have one of these cables laying around?

.-[ Ethan O'Toole ]--------+ - - - - - - - - - +----.
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