[rescue] fwd: [freecyclenbpt] OFFER: set of Kaypro II manuals - Nbpt

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Tue Aug 2 14:15:41 CDT 2011

just passing on...

" To: freecyclenewburyport at yahoogroups.com
" From: bluesky at greennet.net
" Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 13:16:48 -0400
" Would like these vintage computer manuals to go to a computer buff.
" The set has about 15 manuals; most never even opened.
" I know some people collect these so I hate just to toss them in the  
" recycling bin.
" Deanna
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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