[rescue] Drivers for SunPCi Card

Lex Landa brooknet at imap.cc
Thu Aug 11 19:16:50 CDT 2011

A few corrections to my mindless wittering:

On Fri, 2011-08-12 at 00:08 +0000, Lex Landa wrote:

> Thanks, Bill - I'll delete my local copies now, as I don't have a SunPCi
> card.  I may just get one for my SPARCserver (630MP)

I don't think they work on a 630MP - they need something a little newer.

> , but the ones that
> I found are quite expensive

I just found one for about $15.

>  - and not very fast, by today's standards.

One of them was 600 MHz - twice as fast as my webserver..

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