[rescue] KVM-over-ip

Timothy Baldridge tbaldridge at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 13:13:50 CDT 2011

This may be a bit OT, but I'm looking for some suggestions for some
cheaper KVM-over-ip options ($200 range or so).

Here's the idea, I have a higher-end workstation that I keep tucked
away out of sight to keep my wife happy. My laptop is quite
underpowered, but I'd like to access my main workstation remotely
through my laptop (hopefully over wifi). So I've been looking into
some cheaper KVM-ip options, does anyone have experience with these?
Are they fairly low latency? I notice most of them use a java client,
do these clients normally work full screen? If anyone has some
preferences as to vendors, I'd love to hear that too.

IIRC this topic came up a few months ago (maybe even a year), but in
that case the OP ended up going with remote X11 I think. In this case
I'd like to have a option that works with 3d, win7, etc.


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(Robert Firth)

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