[rescue] Dell drive screws wanted for Optiplex

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Fri May 20 09:58:39 CDT 2011

Anyone know where you can get (for a reasonable cost) those stupid
screws Dell uses for putting optical and floppy drives in the BTX? cases
(Optiplex 740, Optiplex GX520, Optiplex 755, Optiplex 760, etc)

Basically you put three screws in, and slid the device in....

I have 4 of these stupid cases, and only 6 screws !  grrrrrr

Ebay sellers want $5 for 3 screws (plus shipping)....

I'll tape my drives in before I pay that.

Hoping someone has some, or knows where they can be had for reasonable

I'd like to find 24 of them.

I'd also like to find 5.25" and 3.5" blanking panels for these cases (so
if anyone
out there has put a device in their case like this and doesn't need the
panel.... e-mail me)

-- Curt

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