[rescue] whois advice needed

Jonathan Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Aug 28 17:35:32 CDT 2012

On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Scott Newell wrote:

> It appears that dotster has copied my domain's nameserver config into
> someone else's domain.  Since the whois for _their_ domain is now
> returning _my_ nameserver config, I'm seeing lots of requests for a zone
> that I don't handle.  Weird huh?

Create a zone file containing an SOA record with "hostmaster.dotster.com." as
the mailbox and a single wildcard record returning the address (Namecheap's domain parking page).

The problem will quickly resolve itself.

Jonathan Patschke    |    "If one does not fail at times, then one has
Elgin, TX            %     not challenged himself."
USA                  |                             --Ferdinand Porsche

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