[rescue] Fortran punch cards

Derrik Walker lorddoomicus at me.com
Tue Jan 3 20:28:33 CST 2012

On Jan 3, 2012, at 9:17 PM, Kurt M. Nowak wrote:

> Hi all,
> My father who is a retired physicist with severe dementia left us a collection of about 400lbs (~40 shoe boxes worth?) of Fortran 77 punch cards from the 70s neatly organized in a steel cabinet with 11 drawers. I am wondering if anyone would like them, or can advise what I should do with them - besides the obvious of taking them to the recycling center which I will probably end up doing at a last resort...I am located in San Diego, CA.

Are those punched cards with actual code on them?

If so, I wonder what it would take to get the contents off?  There might be something interesting on them.

- Derrik

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