[rescue] Learned something new today...

Jonathan Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Mon Jul 16 15:17:48 CDT 2012

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> After a go-round with TYAN support (which was very responsive and very
> helpful), it turns out that Registered RAM is not the same as Fully
> Buffered.

No, Fully-Buffered is almost exclusively used with the Intel 5000/5400
series of chipsets.  If there's anything else out there that uses it, I've
not heard of it.

That screwed us early-adopters of Core Xeons well and good--doubly so
those of us who bought Macs built around them, which need funky Apple
heatsink/thermal-sensor bits.

Jonathan Patschke    |    "If one does not fail at times, then one has
Elgin, TX            %     not challenged himself."
USA                  |                             --Ferdinand Porsche

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