[rescue] Breaks my heart...

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Thu Mar 1 23:05:52 CST 2012

Toby Thain wrote:
> On 01/03/12 11:32 AM, Mauricio Tavares wrote:
>>        It is a shame you are not in FL; I would at least make a fridge
>> out of one of them.
>>        Also, save the CPUs and, if you can reach it, the cmos+battery
>> chip thingie.

and the associated SCSI cabling....

I have E450 backplanes (the larger and smaller ones), but no cabling....
(then again, no E450s either :-) ).  I loved those boxes.... but due to 
size, I'd rather have an Ultra 80.  (due to power constraints, I'd 
rather run
fewer #s of larger drives, than the E450s ability to run larger #s of 
drives :-) ).

-- Curt

> +1 on save the CPUs.
> The drive backplanes are also useful.
> --Toby (who owns a quad-CPU E450)
>> On 3/1/12, Christopher Purdy<escher.beretta.2112 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> I just gutted two Sun E450's for drives and ram..  I swear I tried to
>>> save them, but I just can't lift them in and out of the car alone...
>>> even after I pulled the drives and power supplies..
>>> Ohhh the pain... I just don't have room.  They hit the recycler 
>>> tomorrow.
>>> On a positive note - I did rescue a Sun Blade 2000 yesterday, that is
>>> running nicely in my den.
>>> - Chris
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