[rescue] Still searching for a Pizzabox Sparc, and a question about restoration after rodent infestation...

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Tue Apr 30 14:00:45 CDT 2013

" From: Christopher Purdy <escher.beretta.2112 at gmail.com>
" No dice yet finding one somewhat local - Bring me your 1's, your 1+'s your
" 2's... I want to play with some mouldy oldies...
" I'm near Flint, MI but can drive to meet within about an hour...

i've got a '2+' [weitek powerup], but alas i'm not near flint...

" It seems a mouse took up residence in my MDD G4 while in storage - and made
" quite the mess of the top of the drive cage... chewed up some fan cables..
" and *ahem* fouled some of the metal in the area...
" any suggestions on how to clean up this mess?   What will remove rodent
" excreta and not destroy the components?  I was thinking distilled water and
" then allow it to dry...

isopropyl oughta be pretty safe too...
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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