[rescue] Anyone using a Sun X4200 these days?

Bill Wenrich bethemusic at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 27 06:26:35 CST 2013

I have some X4100 M2 that came from an incredible eBay deal. Not maxed 
out in RAM, but still a passable ESXi host.

Keep in mind that the X4100 has 2x PCI-X and DDR RAM, but the X4100 M2 
has 2x PCIe-x8 and DDR2 RAM. Either machine maxes out at 32GB RAM. Not 
sure how common it is to find registered ECC DDR right now...

If you need to get rid of some full-height 10GigE equipment, I might be 
able to help. Intel/etc make some low-profile cards but they are not the 
cheapest thing ever.


On 01/26/2013 10:03 PM, Robert Novak wrote:
> Hate to AOL here, but "me too"... I'd quite possibly be interested
> even with it being an X4100 (still dual dualcore, but 1u / 2 drives /
> riser board for expansion card, right?).
> I'm still pondering getting the 4100M2s I saw -- wondering what low
> profile PCI-X cards I have around (alas, my 10gbe cards are full
> height). Even with the lack of useful answers on what to do with them,
> I can figure it out somehow. :)
> Robert
> On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Phil Stracchino<alaric at metrocast.net>  wrote:
>> On 01/26/13 17:17, Ben Greisler wrote:
>>> The M2 will do 32GB. I have 2 sitting in boxes looking for a good home.
>> Tell me more.  I have an X2200M2 right now that's working very nicely,
>> but it's sort of on indefinite loan from my employer.
>> --
>>    Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
>>    alaric at caerllewys.net   alaric at metrocast.net   phil at co.ordinate.org
>>    Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, SQL wrangler, Free Stater
>>                   It's not the years, it's the mileage.
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