[rescue] Still searching for a Pizzabox Sparc, and a question about restoration after rodent infestation...

Nick B nick at pelagiris.org
Sat May 4 22:22:52 CDT 2013

On a related not, I've got an Absurd quad-150mhz SS20 (hypersparcs, I don't
recall the cache), free to good home in the DC Metro area.  I have no clue
if it still powers on, it's been a few years.
It's stacked between an r5k indy and a HP C180 if anyone wants those.

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 10:11 PM, Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 02:26:16PM -0400, Christopher Purdy wrote:
>> It seems a mouse took up residence in my MDD G4 while in storage - and
>> made
>> quite the mess of the top of the drive cage... chewed up some fan cables..
>> and *ahem* fouled some of the metal in the area...
> When I moved from Austin to Houston, I was packing and cleaning out,
> etc.  Came across my SS1000.  I'd stored it on its side, up against a
> wall.
> Discovered that one of my cats had taken to sitting on top of it, and
> had puked at least once into the side vents (which the cat was sitting
> on).. so the inside of the machine was just.. foul.
> All I could do was sigh, stick the machine on the push-cart I used for
> moving machines around, and wheel it out to the dumpster I had in the
> driveway. 8-(
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> Houston, Texas USA
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