[rescue] FREE: IBM 9111-285 POWER5+ in Raleigh, NC

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Tue May 14 18:16:22 CDT 2013

On 14 May 2013, at 23:19, Charles Monett wrote:

> Depends on what you consider semi-modern.
> The smallest ones I'd consider as "semi-modern" would be the (604e based)
43P-150 or the (POWER3-II) based 44P-170 - which top out at 5.3 IIRC.  Don't
expect to do stuff such as LPARs with it, but they'll at least give you some
idea of whether you want to go further.
> As for the pizzaboxes, they're smaller but a good deal older - and appear to
top out at 5.1(although some have thought that 4.3 fits them better).

Or if you can find one with a framebuffer (or add a 135 or 130 frambuffer
card), a 7046-B50 is a nice relatively quiet and usable 2U rackie. Again, 604e
based and tops out at 5.3.

Mark Benson

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