[rescue] Looking for tadpole sparcbook 2.6 packages

Ian Finder ian.finder at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 16:42:23 CST 2013

Hi all,

Thanks! I got a response, just replied.
When I get the packages I'll put them up on my web server for everyone.

I also have an image of the Tadpole Solaris 7 media, but I was specifically
looking for the earlier packages so I can run the NCE extensions.

-- Ian

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Barry Callahan <barryc at rjlsystems.com>wrote:

> Dunno if he found them or not, but I've got a tadpole sparcbook sitting in
> a drawer I wouldn't mind rehabbing at some point just for giggles.
> If you've got them uploaded someplace accessible, I wouldn't mind being
> able to pull a local copy.
> #/*****************************\
> #* Barry Callahan
> #* Technologist
> #* RJL Systems
> #* phone: 1 586 790 - 0200 x112
> #*        1 800 528 - 4513 x112
> #* fax:   1 586 790 - 0205
> #\*****************************/
> On 11/8/2013 4:21 PM, Gaz God wrote:
>> Did you get a copy of these?
>> I've only just got round to check and have the all 2.5.1 and 2.6 packages
>> stored + various copies of documentation and websites from the past.
>> Gaz
>> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 10:20 PM, Ian Finder <ian.finder at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Title says all. Tadpole's FTP has been down for months. I thought I had
>>> mirrored it, but I can't seem to locate TTI_Solaris_2.6_patch_bundle.
>>> tar.Z
>>> and TTI_Solaris_2.6_packages.tar.Z.
>>> If anyone has these, or other artifacts of Tadpole's /pub, please let me
>>> know.
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Ian
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   Ian Finder
   (206) 395-MIPS
   ian.finder at gmail.com

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