[rescue] Few more errors for you lovely people to ponder over

Simon Lewis simon at mplayer.biz
Mon Jul 14 08:36:26 CDT 2014

I managed to fix the issues with the first server program, now am trying my 
database front server and I get following errors a number of times

ioctl(3, TCGETA, 0xFFBEEEAC)            Err#22 EINVAL
ioctl(3, TCGETA, 0xFFBEEF0C)            Err#22 EINVAL

and then i get close error

close(19)                    Err#9 EBADF

and then followed by our favourite error the good old

ioctl(2, TCGETA, 0xFFBEF2F4)            Err#25 ENOTTY

as always here the useless truss log

here my server logger debugger information too ;;;

default h_dedbfront                Starting   . u 07/14 08:52:59.166 
dbfront[2361]: t at 001 NOTE  mpath_def#0076P:               Starting up...

0076P: default om 4dbfront 24288 bytes t at 001 DEBUG0  ys_c07/14 
08:52:59.171  dbfront[2361]: t at 001 DEBUG0 mpsys_cbuf#00118:  Resized iocbuf 
0x00108e20 from 4096 to 524288 bytes  default  prodbfront thread.

t at 007 DEBUG0  proc07/14 08:52:59.172  dbfront[2361]: t at 007 DEBUG0 
reqproc_thread#003MH:          Starting new request processing thread.

default =125dbfront 1 ERR   mpreq_io_inet#00      07/12 09:04:35.363 
dbfront[474]: t at 001 ERR   mpreq_io_inet#000JF:           MPSOCKServerBind: 
Failed to bind to 0x0/0x1a29 (errno=125)

eriodbfront 2lf secs) %lu sreqs, %lu  qs, 07/12 09:06:17.711 
dbfront[460]: t at 004 INFO  mpreq_rq#005L4:  mpreq stats periodic (300.00 
secs) 0 sreqs, 0 creqs, 0 hb recvd, 0 hb sent, avg 1.00 sess 0 times/0ms io 
use default eriodbfront 2lf secs) %lu sreqs, %lu  qs, 07/12 09:11:17.711 
dbfront[460]: t at 004 INFO  mpreq_rq#005L4:  mpreq stats periodic (300.00 
secs) 0 sreqs, 0 creqs, 0 hb recvd, 0 hb sent, avg 1.00 sess 0 times/0ms io 

the fun this will keep use busy :), thanks for the help


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