[rescue] A fast *and* quiet SPARC system?

Phil Stracchino phils at caerllewys.net
Fri Mar 7 13:46:15 CST 2014

On 03/07/14 08:13, Toby Thain wrote:
> On 07/03/14 5:48 AM, Michael-John Turner wrote:
>> That said, I'm keen on acquiring a more modern SPARC system for home use.
>> Ideally, I'd like something that's reasonably fast (certainly faster than a
>> dual 450 U60) and not too noisy. I see that T1000/T2000 systems are dirt
>> cheap these days and would certainly be fast enough for my needs, but I
>> think they fail the "quiet test" quite miserably.
> That is correct, the 1RU rack mounts are among the loudest systems 
> possible. I have two X2100's here and you certainly don't want to be in 
> the same room.
> The Niagara systems sure would be nice though...

I have to note that I find my X2200M2 quite reasonable.  It's certainly
considerably quieter than the 1U single-P3 firewall system that just
died recently.  And the [defective] DL320G2 that was sent to me as a
potential replacement was a screaming, howling banshee, louder than
everything else in my rack put together.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  phils at caerllewys.net
  phil at co.ordinate.org
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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