[rescue] [geeks] Last Call - Ultra 5/10 parts

Andrew Jones andrew at jones.ec
Mon Mar 10 20:51:27 CDT 2014

On 03/10/2014 07:47 PM, mc68010 wrote:
> I was only mentioning the SCSI card is still worth saving even if the
> rest of the Ultra 5/10 might not be.  The cards work fine in PC's which
> is where I use mine.  They are ok pci SCSI cards with a 50 pin header
> internally and mini 68 externally. A slightly less common connector
> config but, useful for quickly low level formatting a 50 pin SCSI drive
> on a PC.
> Ultra 5/10 aren't that terrible but, maybe not worth the price of
> shipping. They'll still run Solaris 10 with enough ram. My last one was
> a Solaris 10 network install server and it worked great for that.

The SCSI card is the ticket.  Turns any U5/U10 into a perfectly nice 
SPARC history exhibit.

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