[rescue] Needed:_Indigo²_CD-ROM_and/or_HDD_ca ddy

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Mon May 12 11:09:47 CDT 2014

Sent from mobile device that advertises itself for no good reason

> On 12 May 2014, at 10:49, Andrew Jones <andrew at jones.ec> wrote:
>> On 05/12/2014 08:53 AM, Steve Hatle wrote:
>> Go here and get DINA: http://dina.harrydebug.com/
>> (note this site will be
>> going down soon- but you can find mirrors on
>> nekochan.net)
>> It's a VM that
>> specifically set up to be a boot host and install host
>> for IRIX installs. IRIX
>> is a bit goofy in how it does netboots and
>> r-commands - DINA takes away most
>> all of that hassle.
> Listen to this man.  Booting IRIX from Linux can be painful: it's picky
about tftp, picky about bootp, picky about rsh/ksh, and picky about nfs.  I
seem to recall that DINA is BSD-based.  It should solve these for you in one

I did finally succeed in getting sash to load from 5.3, 6.5.20, and 6.5.22.

However...it insists on installing from remote tape (and suddenly appearing
randomly at a different MAC address...don't ask). I DID setenv notape so this
is just confusing.

Agreed with config being hard. ;)

> Installing IRIX directly from the CD sets is not a realistic option. It is
just too painful.

It seems it might still insist on remote tape in my case. ;)

> One last thing: I have sometimes had problems booting with the on-board NIC
in a switched/"microsegmented" network.  I keep a 10/100 hub, a dumb repeater,
specifically for use with older Sun/SGI gear.

Let's hope my laptop can do 10base-T in that case!

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