[rescue] Alphaserver 300 lack of progress

William Barnett-Lewis wlewisiii at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 09:16:59 CDT 2014

As you may recall I recently got an Alphaserver 300.

I got an appropriate db9 serial cable & gender mender and hooked up my
terminal. Just as with the S3 based video, I'm seeing nothing. The LED's
flash and change for a few seconds before settling down with (where X = on
& O = off) XXOX OOOX Naturally this pattern is not in the list in the Users
Guide pdf I found online.

I'm stuck. I have replaced the NVRAM battery and no difference.

Any ideas?

Live like you will never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance
like no-one is watching.
                Alex White

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