[rescue] RPi vs SS20 benchmarks (interesting)

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Wed Dec 30 16:17:49 CST 2015

" From: Raymond Wiker <rwiker at gmail.com>
" > On 30 Dec 2015, at 06:56 , microcode at zoho.com wrote:
" >
" > On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 07:58:06PM +0100, Raymond Wiker wrote:
" >
" >> I don't own an OberonStation, but I have two of the CHOCHI boards made by
" the
" >> same guy (http://apple2.x10.mx/CHOCHI/index.html).
" >
" > Are you keeping us in suspense ;-) How do you like it? Any issues?
" I haven't really done much with them, except to power them up, connect them to
" a laptop and play a little with the Forth binary. The two units I have are
" earlier versions (B and E, I think), and seem to work fine as 6502 processors
" at 45MHz. Would make for a good speedup for my Apple ][s :-)
" _______________________________________________

hmmm...  why stop at 45?  http://www.westerndesigncenter.com/wdc/
mentions 200MHz 65c02s and 100MHz 65c816s!

interesting to learn they can be found in pacemakers.
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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