[rescue] Memory upgrade in Dell PowerEdge 2560

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed May 27 06:40:12 CDT 2015

I'd agree, but I am assuming that all sticks of memory are identically marked.
That some work, some do not argues against a compatibility issue and instead
for failed pieces of memory, at least to me it does.


On May 27, 2015, at 12:40 AM, Meelis Roos <mroos at linux.ee> wrote:

>> The Centos 6.6 install CD has memtest86+ on it.  I ran it, with the
>> "good" 2gb, and it doesn't get very far before it hangs...... no further
>> progress, no keyboard response.  The Wikipedia article mentions that
>> hangs can be caused by CPU and motherboard issues. However, I would
>> think if that were my situation all 8 sticks would behave the same way,
>> but the other seven don't get that far.  Centos 6.6 boots and runs fine
>> as far as I can tell.
> To me, it sounds like a compatibility problem...
> --
> Meelis Roos (mroos at linux.ee)
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