[rescue] Fwd: [chiclassiccomp] Some Older/Mostly Newer Sun Equipment

Jerry Kemp sun.mail.list47 at oryx.us
Thu Oct 12 16:37:48 CDT 2017

Thanks Dave,

You learn something every day.

OTOH, I'm still pretty certain that FDDI, and even its copper counter-part CDDI 
never ventured above or below 100 Mb.

If that comment is also incorrect, I would love to read more.  My one and only 
FDDI experience was implementation of a FDDI MAN backbone on Laughlin AFB back 
in the early-mid 1990's.

It was good stuff in its day.


On 10/12/17 03:29 PM, Dave McGuire wrote:

>   There were/are many PCI FDDI boards that work on SPARC machines.
> Years ago I used several models from JNI.
>              -Dave

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