[rescue] WTB: IBM 7060 aka MP3000

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Sep 14 21:01:09 CDT 2017

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 06:48:36PM -0700, Ian Finder wrote:
>I'm looking for a small s390 machine, MP3000 or similar to do some learning
>with.  If you have one for sale, please contact me off-list.
>Specs are not important.
>I don't have an enterprise-sized budget but can make a reasonable
>four-digit offer.

You're not happy with hoarding all the SMBX and 3b1 w/BLIT machines? :D

Is there something you're not able to do w/Hercules?


Bill Bradford
Houston, Texas USA

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