[rescue] revived: TiBook G4 867 (DVI)/ 1GB and MacOS9

Jerry Kemp sun.mail.list47 at oryx.us
Tue Apr 10 10:11:13 CDT 2018

I do.

I have a laundry list of old Mac applications that I paid $$$ each for, and also a hand full of games.  None of any of these, will 
ever be upgraded to x86/x86.  Starcraft is the rare exception to that rule.

Initially, I had hoped to address my (old) application issue via emulation and/or virtualization, but many apps, especially games 
that push video, do not do well with emulation and virtualization.

What I finally decided to do was to purchase relevant Macs based on my software.  In specific, I purchased a Mac Cube for my general 
Mac OS applications.  I also purchased an early G4 to run Mac OS X 1.2 server, that specifically was on the HCL.  I purchased a 6100 
series pizza box system to play with Copeland.  I didn't start doing Apple stuff till the mid 1990's, and never had any Motorola 
(CPU) apps.

For anyone interested in following my example, of course, based on their specific old Mac applications, there is a similar mailing 
list for buying/selling/trading Apple equipment that is called LEM (Low End Mac) mailing list.


On 10/04/18 00:28, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:


> Anyone else doing anything with old Macs?
> Cheers
> Patrick

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