[rescue] SunBlade 1500 & SSD disk

Andrew Jones andrew at jones.ec
Fri Apr 27 14:10:57 CDT 2018

On 04/27/2018 01:38 PM, David Strom wrote:
> Has anyone experimented with the SunBlade 1500 and a PATA SSD disk?
> Is performance much better, some better, or "meh"?
> I recall someone posting about using older SCSI disks via SCSI card.
> Just curious, thanks.

It's still going to be limited to the ATA bandwidth and instruction set, 
so I wouldn't go into it with high expectations.

SATA is much "smarter."  It's not really ATA at all.  It much more 
closely resembles SCSI than the original ATA.

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