[rescue] SparcStation 1+ TurboGX framebuffer card incompatibility

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Apr 30 22:33:43 CDT 2018

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 09:19:08PM -0600, mike stedman wrote:
>When I install it into the machine, it refuses to boot, complaining on
>the serial console about "Unimplemented FCode token before address
>ffd1c259" and then hangs while "setting up console parameters." Since
>this is a high-memory address, I assume this is related to the video
>card, or its firmware, or some kind of discovery process.

Might be the prom revision.


"The FE Handbook says that TGX with SS1 and SS1+ requires OBP 2.x.
2.9 version 9 seems to be the latest (final?) version. Part # 525-1208-02"

Perhaps someone on here can hook you up with that rev OBP?


Bill Bradford
Houston, Texas USA

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