[rescue] SGI origin updated detailed pics

Richard legalize at xmission.com
Mon Mar 12 23:26:54 CDT 2018

In article
<CAJFG-3Wz-BfNvoFgUK2NXkHGf2VgP+z1=ViGniTm4SPzRn2nFA at mail.gmail.com>,
    PhreakShow Telephone Company <phreakshowtelco at gmail.com> writes:

> Got the origin 2000 in the shop tonight and got detailed pics.  Hoping
> someone can identify everything
> https://imgur.com/a/mdlCW
> Also those 19 racks came with some interesting stuff.
> Pics of the stuff in the 19 racks.
> https://imgur.com/a/feoEq

Be sure to share the links on the nekochan.net forum and you'll likely
get everything that's SGI properly identified :)
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