[rescue] Odd duck

PhreakShow Telephone Company phreakshowtelco at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 00:43:21 CDT 2018

Those look epic

Where are they located?

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:14 AM Bob Darlington <rdarlington at gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> My friend sent me a letter asking if I was interested in some oddball
> stuff.  Have any of you guys ever worked with anything like this?  Is there
> a place this stuff should go to live in a forever home?
> I was able to donate 2 of the the 3 computers to museums. I have 1
> remaining Zephyr Wavetracer Model 8 "personal supercomputers." With
> them, I have support boards, cables, and some additional hardware,
> software, and can reproduce the manuals upon request. One of the ones
> pictured is now at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA
> (http://www.computerhistory.org/collections/catalog/102741568).
> For images of the boards and the system you can download the zip at
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/tdpezpozmg8n8de/ZephyrWavetracerSmall.zip?dl=0
> The general organization for the images is this:
>     Picture of external storage box with the label visible
>     Picture of front of board, followed by optional close-ups
>     Picture of rear of board, followed by optional close-ups, esp. of
> any hand-wiring
>     There is a picture of the 1 U Windows server that I am working to
> get software off of. So the answer to the software is that there is a
> good chance once I overcome the forgotten account credentials.
>     There are pictures of all three Zephyrs side by side (2
> available), a close-up of the front, rear, and then pictures of the
> wooden bases for the machines.
> Would you be interested in acquiring any of the offered hardware? They
> did boot and work in 2010, when they were last tested. They have one
> of the most elegant assemblers for creating multi-dimensional
> matrices, with the C^n language. The Processing Elements (PEs) are
> connected to their immediate four neighbors with a Taurus-like wrap
> around on the boards.
> -Bob
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