[rescue] longtime lurker and a nice score.
cym224 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 14:15:10 CDT 2019
On 24/08/2019, William Barnett-Lewis <wlewisiii at gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, Oracle understands. It simply wants to squeeze what money it can
> before it kills Solaris.
> In the end Oracles products will only run on Windows because that's
> easier and cheaper for them. And that is all that matters to Oracle.
As long as he has paying customers, Larry will keep Solaris and Sparc.
(I am not convinced that Oracle on Windoze is easier but that's
another discussion. Some believe that Solaris will become a
boot-loader for Oracle D/B.)
During the 25y Sparc anniversary show -- on youtube and very
interesting hearing Patterson, Joy, and others -- the head of Sun h/w
said that he was summoned to Larry after acquisition. He said that he
memorized all sorts of sales data. Instead he was asked questions
about L2 cache on Sparc processors. Larry is an odd duck.
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