[rescue] Sun X4540 onboard video has no green

Carl R. Friend crfriend at rcn.com
Thu Dec 12 10:35:51 CST 2019

On 12/12/19 11:15 AM, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> I'm guessing the problem is in the back-panel connector on the service
> module.

    More likely is that the video controller has had a failure somewhere.

> Anyone got any suggestions?

   It *just* might be a cold solder connection someplace, and that can
be tested for by using an insulated and non-skid prod to *very* gently
flex the board in key areas around the video-control section and in
all the cables that head off to the rear bulkhead (if applicable).

    You could also hang a 'scope on the various colour-signals to see
if there's anything at all on the green, but this one reeks of board
failure because the issue is reproducible with different cables in a
known-working environment.  Board failures are comparatively rare,
but they do happen.

    Is it possible to ignore the fault if the machine is otherwise
healthy, or is green a critical colour?

| Carl Richard Friend (UNIX Sysadmin)            | Boylston            |
| Minicomputer Collector / Enthusiast            | Massachusetts, USA  |
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