[rescue] swap 36 gb SCA drive for 72 gb SCA?

JP Hindin jplist2008 at kiwigeek.com
Thu Dec 12 15:37:30 CST 2019

On Thu, 12 Dec 2019, William Barnett-Lewis wrote:
> So I found an inexpensive 72 gb SCA drive on Eprey and thought that
> would be a cheap way to boost my storage. SCA LVD, SE, etc. But the
> Alphastation refuses to see it. It sees my 18 gb just fine but nothing
> I do can get the 72 to show up. The firmware is the most recent
> version that was made for this machine and I fear that it is the
> problem.
> I don't know if a 36 would show up or not and don't really want to
> spend money on another throw of the Eprey dice.
> Thoughts hints tips?

Just throwing it out there,

Is it possible the drive needs to be jumpered to force Single Ended for 
the Alphastation controller? I don't know about the Alphastations to know 
if they're commonly LVD capable or not, but...

For what it's worth. Best of luck!

  - JP

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