[rescue] SGI Irix
William Barnett-Lewis
wlewisiii at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 10:04:40 CST 2019
For Tru64, look here: https://archive.org/details/tru64 and here:
Lots of interesting stuff for it out there.
For me, I use it to run Open Genera which remains the finest
development system ever.
On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 7:46 AM Bill Dorsey <dorsey at lila.com> wrote:
> Richard,
> Thanks for the link to the OS binaries and to what's left of the SGI
> community.B A shame when old software like the OS sources disappear,
> possibly never to be seen again.
> I also have an XP1000 I'm looking for Tru64 sources for. Probably
> another dead end.B I know I can run NetBSD on it, but I'd like to
> reproduce the original experience of both using and developing on the
> computer.
> - Bill
> On 11/13/19 12:28 AM, Richard wrote:
> > take a look at http://irix.cc this replaced Nekochan....
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