[rescue] Sparcstation LX Restoration & Help

Bill D dorsey at lila.com
Mon Nov 25 11:50:14 CST 2019

Hi Peter,

You're most likely right about the disk label being specific to
Solaris 2.  So I am thinking I should label it from my 3/80 running
4.1.1.  Another option worth exploring is setting up a network boot
for the Sparc LX.  Come to think of it, I should probably look into
that a bit more as it may turn out to be easier than moving the
SCSI2SD back and forth between the 3/80 and the LX.

- Bill

On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 12:11 PM Peter Stokes <peter at ashlyn.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Bill Just my guess, but I thought the Sun label from Sunos 5 aka Solaris 2 was different to Sunos 4 and you may be falling foul of that? Also you are trying to boot from portion 0, is that the correct one for where you installed the boot image? Peter

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