[rescue] tired of current GUIs / a rant about the daily

Phil Stracchino phils at caerllewys.net
Wed Oct 23 19:10:44 CDT 2019

On 10/23/19 5:29 PM, Richard wrote:
> In article
> <BYAPR17MB2696193A9DA1C373B3468D82D96B0 at BYAPR17MB2696.namprd17.prod.outlook.c
> om>,
>     Gary Sloane <gksloane at hotmail.com> writes:
>> The bottom line is that the software world has gotten lazy.
> Yes, and no.  We no longer optimize for the machine, because the
> machine is cheap.  We instead optimize for the amount of time humans
> have to spend making the machine do something useful, because the
> human labor is now the dominant economic factor in producing software.

Then why do we produce so many utterly fucking ATROCIOUS interfaces?

(Pardon my, er, emphasis.)

I'm looking at you here, Outlook.  And the whole of MS Office in fact.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  phils at caerllewys.net
  phil at co.ordinate.org
  Landline: +1.603.293.8485
  Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958

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